Design Standards & Guidelines
​Old Town Elk Grove Special Planning Area Design Standards and Guidelines
The purpose of the Old Town Elk Grove Special Planning Area Design Standards and Guidelines (SPA) is to provide development regulations that are tailored to preserve the historical character and small town charm. Thus, the Old Town SPA establishes:
1. A design review process which:
a. Preserves the historical and cultural integrity of Old Town by guiding the architectural style of new development and the redevelopment of existing structures;
b. Encourages high quality land planning and architecture;
c. Encourages development in keeping with the desired character of the City; and
d. Ensures that proper attention is provided to site and architectural design, thereby fostering an environment that encourages stable growth in land values.
2. A map and table of permitted and conditionally permitted land uses which:
a. Enhances Old Town Elk Grove’s sense of community;
b. Unifies Old Town’s main street, Elk Grove Boulevard, by focusing on pedestrian oriented uses such as retail, restaurant, office, and services; and
c. Ensures physical, visual, and functional compatibility between uses.
The intent of the Old Town Elk Grove SPA’s design review process is to establish discretionary review of development projects within the SPA boundaries to ensure conformance not only with the minimum standards set forth in the Title 23 of the City's Municipal Code, but also with the goals, standards, guidelines, and examples provided in the Old Town SPA.
-from City of Elk Grove Design Standards and guidelines amended August 21, 2014
The current SPA may be viewed by clicking on the following link: Old Town SPA.
Recommended revisions to the SPA may be sent via e-mail to Gerald Park, Senior Planner at or call (916) 478-3671.